
Sends simulated keystrokes to a window. It may be used to send raw text or commands. This field accepts Variables & Expressions.

Text (F3)


Plain Text (Raw)
Uses SendRaw. The SendRaw command interprets all characters literally rather than translating {Enter} to an ENTER keystroke, ^c to Control-C, etc.
Text with commands
Uses SendInput. When not in raw mode, the following characters are treated as modifiers (these modifiers affect only the very next key): !, +, ^, #.
Set key delay
Uses SendEvent. The rate at which keystrokes are sent is determined by Key Delay.
Paste from Clipboard
Temporarily uses Clipboard to send the text. When the operation is completed, the script restores the original clipboard contents.
Paste on Control
Uses Control, EditPaste. Pastes String at the caret/insert position in an Edit control (this does not affect the contents of the clipboard).
Uses ControlSetText. Changes the text of a control.
Key delay
Sets the delay that will occur after each keystroke sent in Text with commands mode.
Insert KeyStroke
Opens the Insert Keystroke window where you can choose a keyboard key from a list. Double-click or click Insert to insert the key in the current cursor postion. The key will be inserted in AutoHotkey Send format, only valid for Text with commands option.

Send / SendRaw, ControlSend, ControlSetText, Clipboard